Magic Carpet Ride

Anyone who has ever built a house knows the thrill of these seven words…
Carpet installation is scheduled for this week.

Carpet is one of the last things to be done in the construction of a home. Carpet is installed when the traffic of the subcontractors is winding down – a builder can’t be having the newly installed carpet sullied. If the builder and the homeowner agree on nothing else, they agree on that.

Stella got carpeted last week! Sharon’s bedroom, the guest bedroom, and our bedroom. Nary an unsightly subfloor now to be seen!

Guest Bedroom Carpet

Guest Bedroom Carpet

Master Bedroom Carpet

Master Bedroom Carpet

Master Bedroom Closet Carpet

Master Bedroom Closet Carpet

Ira, our job foreman, and Sam, who can and does do everything (he even fetches lunch for his co-workers in his sleek white 700 series BMW), began the hard, tedious, thankless work of giving Stella a spit shine. This is work the builder trusts to his most loyal. Extraordinary care must be taken at this stage of the process, for it is during this effort that the chameleons are smoked out, all the damage and mistakes that have been camouflaged by the flurry of activity of the subcontractors. One doesn’t know what lays beneath the hardwood floor’s protectant paper until it’s removed. Who knows if the tub is scratched or perfect until all the crud is removed? One can’t know if the cabinetry shelves are free of splinters until they’re dusted with a cloth that will snag on the slightest flaw. Although I am grateful for their effort, because they’re doing it for us I don’t envy them this job! John and I are normally quite fastidious and are even more so as relates to Stella.

Guest Bathroom Tub/Shower

Guest Bathroom Tub/Shower

There remains a lot to be done, little, big, and medium sized things, at least in John’s and my eyes. However, the builder tries to give us the impression it’s simply a matter of a couple days’ work. Then how come we can’t be in there in say five days? That’s two couples and a single! That should be more than enough time to cap things.

Can’t wait until it’s all done and we’ve crossed the threshold as visitors for the last time, but for now, I’m in love with the sound of *these* seven words, Carpet was installed last week, yeah baby!, and feel I’m on a magic carpet ride! Woo Hoo!

Well, you don’t know what we can find
Why don’t you come with me little girl
On a magic carpet ride
You don’t know what we can see
Why don’t you tell your dreams to me
Fantasy will set you free
Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound (of those seven words) take you away
~ Steppenwolf

Magic Carpet photo courtesy of dreamstime

Magic Carpet photo from dreamstime