Catching Up Again

“…we’re dear old friends
Catching up again…”
Jason Masi, Catching Up Again

It’s been an awfully long time since I visited our blog to write about all the things going on in our life with Stella on Lee-Hall Farm. I’m excited to be sitting here catching up again.

I’ll start with a visitor so filled with hot air. He came late one afternoon, audibly announcing his arrival from the distance. I believe Sharon had been outdoors and was the first to hear him. As soon as she let me know he was on his way I rushed outside, not with dread as one might think, but with gleeful, giddy anticipation. And then I caught glimpse of him, he was just beyond the fence, big, bold, colorful, and beautifully filled with hot air. He took an unexpected southeastward turn, filling me with disappointment that our visitor would not be spending time with us resting in the back field. Fortunately I snapped a couple of pictures as he approached and then adjusted his path. One might think a hot air filled visitor would be unwelcome, but few are unwelcome here at Lee-Hall Farm. A visitor so colorful, so well traveled, and so beautifully filled with hot air is always welcomed with wonder and gratitude.

Hot Aired Visitor's Approach

Hot Aired Visitor’s Approach


There is majesty all around us, not just in the sky above us, yet we see many beautiful sights as we work and play under the sun and relax under the moon and a canopy of stars. On August 10, 2014, it was a clear night for the largest of 2014’s three perigee supermoons. We’ve enjoyed several bond fires, one of which was May 25, 2014. My niece, Mallory, was full with child. She was miserably uncomfortable, hopeful, nervous, all with good reason – my great nephew, Hayden, was born the next morning. He was several weeks early, except in Mallory’s state of comfort eyes.

August 10, 2014 Perigee Supermoon

August 10, 2014 Perigee Supermoon

Early bonfire for weenie roasting, kept ablaze for conversation and spiced cider under the stars

Early bonfire for weenie roasting, kept ablaze for conversation and spiced cider under the stars

We’ve worked on outside things and inside things while on our way to make things just right. Sharon grew our 2014 summer vegetable garden. Her main focus was on squash and Hanover Tomatoes. We were happily fed.

As the fall season seemed ever so near, Sharon and I began to prepare a door we had saved from the old house for its ultimate repurpose as a coat rack for the mud room. I hired a man from a neighboring horse farm to complete some projects needing a carpenter’s handiwork. Thus far he took the prepared door and a shutter from the old house and made the mud room coat rack, made new doors and a new ramp for the shed, made and hung shelving for the garage, hung shelving in John’s brewery, made an insert for my sewing table, and has climbed ladders to do things at heights I no longer think it’s wise for me to visit.

Unfinished Coat Rack

Unfinished Coat Rack

Finished Coat Rack

Finished Coat Rack

Old Shed - in need of new doors and new ramp

Old Shed – in need of new doors and new ramp

New Shed Doors and Ramp

New Shed Doors and Ramp

Well, dear old friend, it’s been nice catching up again. Hope to be back real soon.